The Basics Of Western Astrology

The Basics Of Western Astrology


This article covers the fundamentals of Astrology and how they are between related. Crystal gazing is characterized as 'the workmanship or practice of deciding the alleged impacts of the planets and their movements on human undertakings and human attitude'. From this training a horoscope can be delivered - a graph (or diagram) of the general places of planets and indications of the Zodiac at a particular time, normally the hour of birth. An estimate can then be delivered.

The Zodiac:

Western Astrology began way back, around 500 BC, with an idea called the Zodiac being created. This involved a nonexistent circle encompassing the earth, which followed the way of the Sun through the heavenly bodies during the year. The Zodiac was parted into twelve areas, each named after the particular group of stars noted around there.


Numerous old methods of reasoning utilized a bunch of old style components to clarify the manner in which nature acted. Each sign was associated with one of the traditional components (fire, earth, air, or water) and was additionally connected with a district of concentration; social, individual or widespread.

* Water signs are connected with development cycles, distinguishing proof and feeling. Couple with different components, water feels that fire will make it bubble, air will dissipate it, however earth will shape and channel it.

* Fire signs are connected with activity, enthusiasm, and energy. Couple with different components, fire feels that earth will cover it, water will suffocate it, however air will fan and breathe new live into it.

* Air signs are connected with thought, viewpoint and correspondence. Pair with different components, air feels that water will cloud it, earth will choke out it, yet fire will move and inspire it.

* Earth signs are connected with sensation, dependability, and reasonableness. Couple with different components, earth feels that air will dry it, fire will dry it, however water will revive and feed it.


Each sign is associated with one of three modalities; cardinal (once in a while alluded to as mobile), fixed, and changeable.

There are four quadrants following the request for the zodiacal signs, with three signs in each. Every quadrant portrays a season, starting with a cardinal sign, proceeding to a decent sign, and finishing with a variable sign.

Modalities and Related Zodiac Signs:

* Alterable signs are connected with flexibility, genius and comprehensive quality. They are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

* Fixed signs are connected earnestly, concentration and independence. They are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.

* Cardinal signs are connected with inventiveness and commencement. They are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

Synopsis of Zodiac Sign Characteristics:

* Aries (cardinal, fire, individual): guarded, vivacious, head down, self-assured, rash.

* Taurus (fixed, earth, individual): patient, liberal, ingenious, exhaustive, dedicated.

* Gemini (alterable, air, individual): fast, consistent, curious.

* Disease (cardinal, water, individual): sticking, defensive, delicate.

* Leo (fixed, fire, social): dramatic, liberal, glad.

* Virgo (alterable, earth, social): fundamentally, viable, productive.

* Libra (cardinal, air, social): languid, co-employable, fair.

* Scorpio (fixed, water, social): restless, enthusiastic, delicate.

* Sagittarius (impermanent, fire, widespread): indiscreet, free, direct.

* Capricorn (cardinal, earth, general): dubious, reasonable, wary.

* Aquarius (fixed, air, general): segregated, popularity based, flighty.

* Pisces (impermanent, water, widespread): occupied, creative, touchy.

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